Revise with Confidence
The Revise With Confidence Video Series is currently being dusted off and updated, and as a result is not currently available. Sorry to disappoint. Please check back, or email [email protected] to check on the status of this class.
Here's how to determine once and for all if your writing is really any good so you can stop worrying about whether or not you’re wasting your time, and focus instead on making sure your writing is as good as it can possibly be.
Hundreds of writers worldwide have had this concern, and after working with me they finally trust that they're not wasting their time trying to be writers. Join us to set your worries aside and take your writing skills to the next level.
Join more than 4,500 other writers. Your contact details will be kept private.
The Revise With Confidence Video Series is currently being dusted off and updated, and as a result is not currently available. Sorry to disappoint. Please check back, or email [email protected] to check on the status of this class.

This FREE Training Will Show You:

Video #1
Gain Fresh Perspective about why you worry that your writing isn't any good, so you can easily overcome your concerns and focus on what matters most: making your writing the best it can possibly be.

Video #2
Distance Yourself so you can accept yourself as the writer you truly are (and not the writer you fancy yourself to be), and then do what you're meant to do: take your writing to the next level!

Video #3
Use Simple Tools to advance your skills as a writer. Determine which tools have worked best for you in the past, and identify new ones that will elevate your writing skills even further.
The Revise With Confidence Video Series is currently being dusted off and updated, and as a result is not currently available. Sorry to disappoint. Please check back, or email [email protected] to check on the status of this class.

Writers Like You Who Are Getting Results
I sought you out because I could no longer identify which details in my manuscript might benefit from an additional look – I was too close to it. Now I can see sentence level opportunities for improvement as well as thematic gaps I can fill in. My work is stronger on every level!
Shannon Huffman Polson Author of "North of Hope: A Daughter's Arctic Journey" and "The Way the Wild Gets Inside: Field Notes from Alaska"
Thanks for your excellent help, Joan! I appreciate how you saw some of the intention behind my piece while at the same time giving me a few specific points on which I can improve. I will absolutely use those suggestions as I revise the rest of the manuscript.
Tim Queeney Author of the novels "George in London" and the Perry Helion Trilogy, and the novella "The Borealis Incident"
Terrific edits, Joan! Now I can finally see where I’m overwriting and underwriting. I know just where to streamline and where to amplify, which is such a relief; you helped me find the confidence I needed to keep writing. What more could an aspiring crime thriller novelist ask for? Thanks again.
Maureen C. Berry Author of "Salmon: From Market to Plate" and the forthcoming memoir "Hurricanes, Handcuffs, Pepper Spray & Scrambled Eggs"
Now I can see “Katie Reeves and the Dragon’s Heart” through fresh eyes, more like a reader than a writer – just what I needed. I’ve also figured out one point of view issue that was troubling me, so now I can fix that in the rest of the manuscript. Thanks, Joan!
S.K. Lamont Author of the forthcoming novel "Katie Reeves and the Dragon's Heart"
Ready to Get Started?
Click the Button Below to Get Your Free Training
If you’re serious about your writing and are open to learning something new about yourself and your work so you can take your writing to the next level, it’s time to sign up right now for the free Revise with Confidence Video Training.
I look forward to getting to know you and your work!

The Revise With Confidence Video Series is currently being dusted off and updated, and as a result is not currently available. Sorry to disappoint. Please check back, or email [email protected] to check on the status of this class.

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